Home Dogs Dog Food Dry Food Purina Pro Plan Optistart Puppy Chicken Puppy Large Athletic Purina Pro Plan Optistart Puppy Chicken Puppy Large Athletic by Purina Pro Plan 15 reviews Weight 12 KG €57.55 €4.80/KG Order 2 units, don't run out of it x1 €57.55 €57.55/unit x2 -€1.15 €113.95 €56.40 last unit x3 -€1.73 €170.92 €55.82 last unit x5 -€2.88 €284.87 €54.67 last unit Buy it with... Traveness Salmon with Cranberry Wet Dog Food 400 gr €3.73 Hantu Wet Food Iberian Pork and Chicken with Lentils and Potatoes for Adult Dogs 400 gr €3.48 You may also like Royal Canin Urinary S/O Canine (77) options: 2 KG - 7,5 KG - 13 KG €19.84 See options Royal Canin Urinary S/O Small Dog (39) options: 1,5 Kg - 4 KG - 8 KG €18.48 See options Royal Canin Fibre Response Canine (30) options: 2 KG - 7,5 KG - 14 KG €22.72 See options Specific CDD-HY Allergy Management (1) options: 2 KG - 7 KG - 12 KG €25.17 See options Features Purina Pro Plan Optistart Puppy Chicken Puppy Large Athletic Reference7613035120365 Weight3 Kg, 12 KG, 14 KG BrandPurina Pro Plan Units1 Physical ActivityStrong, Soft, Average AgePuppy, Junior FlavorChicken Dog SizeMaxi, Giant Special CaresHealthy Growth Quantity3 Kg, 14 Kg, 12 Kg Made inItaly, France Product RangePro Plan Puppie Dog Medium/Large, , Pro Plan Optistart ManufacturerPro Plan,ESP 08300105,AFFINITY PETCARE S.A. Plaça Europa, 54-56, 08902 Hospitalet de Llobregat (Spain) , Description Purina Pro Plan Optistart Puppy Chicken Puppy Large Athletic Customer Reviews Purina Pro Plan Optistart Puppy Chicken Puppy Large Athletic 5 Stars | 15 reviews 5 Stars 73% 4 Stars 20% 3 Stars 7% 2 Stars 0% 1 Stars 0% Write a review Reviews in other countries o nosso cao gostou A minha cadela adorou Racao de qualidade See all customer reviews Related categories Dog Food Dog Food Purina Pro Plan Dog Food Dog Food pro plan optistart Dog Food pro plan puppie dog medium/large Dog Food average Dog Food soft Dog Food strong Dog Food junior Dog Food puppy Dog Food chicken Dog Food giant Dog Food maxi Dog Food healthy growth Dog Food france Dog Food italy Dry Food Dry Food Purina Pro Plan Dry Food 12 kg Dry Food 14 kg Dry Food 3 kg Dry Food Dry Food pro plan optistart Dry Food pro plan puppie dog medium/large Dry Food average Dry Food soft Dry Food strong Dry Food junior Dry Food puppy Dry Food chicken Dry Food giant Dry Food maxi Dry Food healthy growth Dry Food france Dry Food italy Standard price €57.55 Autoship order How does it work? Save in your Autoship deliveries! + info -10% In stock We recommend you see these alternatives with a delivery date confirmed by the supplier. - + Add to cart Prices valid for today