Online shop for pet

Order tracking

Enter your order number ( without the # )


Order number #

We work with the best carriers and suppliers

Where to find us ?
Av. Santa Isabel. Parque Industrial Meramar II. Armazém 9.
Cabra Figa 2635-047. Rio de Mouro (perto Tabaqueira)

  • NewWe've received your order but we haven't yet received your payment. Once the order paid, we will validate your order.
  • ValidatedWe have received your payment. We will shortly be preparing your order.
  • ProcessingYour order has been confirmed and we are now handling your request
  • SendingYour order has left our warehouse and is in transit. You can use the tracking code to know where your parcel is at all times.
  • CompletedYou´ve received your order!