AFP Chill Out Orange Moisturizing Chill Out Toy



all for paws Hydrating toys Chill out Moisturizing toys for dogs are especially designed for summer where we need to provide water to our dog 24 hours a day so that it can be maintained hydrated to avoid the effects of high temperatures. Simply Sum ...


  • 15x15x4,5 cm 7.71 €0.76/M

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  • x1 7.71 €7.71/unit
  • x2 -€0.15 15.27 €7.56 last unit
  • x3 -€0.23 22.90 €7.48 last unit
  • x5 -€0.39 38.16 €7.32 last unit

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Features AFP Chill Out Orange Moisturizing Chill Out Toy

  • Reference847922082314
  • Weight125 GR
  • Size15 cm, 15x15x4,5 cm
  • BrandAFP
  • Units1

Description AFP Chill Out Orange Moisturizing Chill Out Toy

all for paws Hydrating toys Chill out

Moisturizing toys for dogs are especially designed for summer where we need to provide water to our dog 24 hours a day so that it can be maintained hydrated to avoid the effects of high temperatures. Simply Sum & Eacute; RGELO in Water and your dog while playing drinking / acute; water.

& iexcl; simply Sum & Eacuteos in Water!

When summer arrives it is important to keep us alert to prevent our dog from affecting the effects of high temperatures and important; one of the most important things is to keep our dog well hydrated, that's why you need to provide water Fresh 24 hours a day, with moisturizing toys can be done in a very F & Aus, since only submerged in water absorb water, like a sponge, and your dog when playing with them is drinking Without realizing it.

Toys for dogs retaining the water, keeping hydrated while playing & nbsp;

Simply tend to immerse it in water, making the toy retestanquiry and acute; the water and when I give it to your dog. Drink while playing. STA Ser & Aacute; a source of fresh water that your dog will tend; A F & Aacute, access anywhere in the house. Finding these refreshing toys in the designs and frosts with fruits and ice cream that thanks to its efficient material absorb the water and retain it. & Nbsp; Refreshing toys have funny designs and fruits, ice cream and bones that Next to its texture to be the favorite toy of your dog. & nbsp; the bones and the frisbee in addition contain a floating material so you can also play with them in the pool or on the beach, in addition. of Lim and the Sand & Iacute slice by biting it emit a sound that your dog loves.

All for PAWS moisturizing dogs toys manufactured with first-quality materials & nbsp; which makes them very resistant and durable and, in addition, together with all the Summer Dogs for Dogs Chill Out All for paws will have diverse alternatives to have fun with your pet during summer but also to keep it always hydrated and fresh to avoid asking; The effects of high temperatures and the dreaded heat stroke. These toys are undoubtedly ideal for the warmth of the A & NTILDE; or, it will help you and hydrate to your dog & IEXCL; so that everything is fun! & Nbsp;

Main characteristics of moisturizing toys

- retain the water & nbsp;
- The bones also float & nbsp;
- Simply designs and fruits and frosts & nbsp;
- Premium materials

Important notice

Toys are designed to last as much as possible while its use is correct.

Watch your pet at all times as long as you are. Using any type of toy.

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